Thursday, September 22, 2011

This is why I'm an English major.

So I was reading The Merchant of Venice. And mostly it is a play about a whole heap of people who are spiteful and vindictive, which explains why this caught me by surprise. There I was, slugging through.

Spite. Vindictiveness. Controlling sexism. Thievery. Threats. More Spite. Shamless manipulation.

....look how the floor of heaven is thick inlaid with patens of bright gold.....

more manipulation. more lying. wait a second. go back.

look how the floor of heaven is thick inlaid with patens of bright gold.

seriously. look. sheesh. oh shakespeare. champion. That made the whole stupid book worth it. That one sentence. I am speechless. (read: ceding to shameless use of poor grammar, lack of punctuation, and incomplete sentence structure.)

No idea what job I'll ever get, but I am satisfied nevertheless with my pursuit of literary studies.

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thank you for validating my existence, you lovely person!