Friday, March 9, 2012

Dwight Replaced

You all remember Dwight? aka the purple chair we got in a game of Bigger or Better and stuck in our living room until the end of the semester when someone actually had to claim him. Along with our shared fish Eomer, my roommate Sarah took Dwight home with her. I was extremely forlorn without my chair and my fish.

The problem with Dwight was that I didn't have room for him, even though I desperately wanted to keep him. This problem was solved this week in a strange incident of karma. Having gained Dwight in a game of Biggger or Better, it seems only fitting that another game of Bigger or Better landed me with my new sitting equipment, a stool named Penelope.

What luck when Calvin knocked on our door! I answered and fell instantly in love with the stool that guy was sitting on on my porch. I knew that stool wanted a home. It wanted a home and it wanted a name, and I accordingly rushed around searching for anything stool-worthy that I didn't need too much. I came up with my sled, a five dollar walmart item stuffed in the back of my closet, originally purposed for Old Main Hill, but never actually used. Not bigger, but thankfully, those boys thought it was better. And so Penelope came to live with me. Stephanie and I stripped off all the A-team stickers plastered on her and soon we plan to paint her. As such, I consider the official adoption pending.

Karma, right? I regained my furniture fix, but this time in decoratable, portable form.
Now all I need is a new fish.

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thank you for validating my existence, you lovely person!